This is the official user feedback forum for Sidewise, the Google Chrome extension that brings a dockable sidebar and Tree Style Tabs to Chrome.

Clicking on tab in Sidewise does not give focus to browser window

John Cooper 11 years ago updated by Joel Thornton 11 years ago 1

I'm not sure if this is something that changed recently, but given that it's happened to me several times and I never noticed it before, I'm wondering if it is. What is happening is that I click on a tab in the Sidewise window, and then if I do a ctrl-R to refresh the contents of the window, the Sidewise window gets refreshed instead, because obviously it still has focus. Not as a big a deal as when I do a ctrl-w to close the window, in which case it closes Sidewise (and I have go to the Extensions tab and disable and re-enable Sidewise for it to come back (it would be nice if there were an easier way to do this).

Is this something that actually changed recently, or am I just imagining things?

Joel Thornton 11 years ago

This should be fixed in today's release.


"Sticky" sidebar?

royalcrown 12 years ago 0

Great plugin. Is there a way to make the sidebar "stick" to the browser window? I will, for example, bring up another window and then click back on the browser window to refocus. When I do this, the sidebar gets lost underneath the previously open window. I hope this makes sense, sorry if it is unclear.


What prevents me from using Sidewise after first evaluation

Window Maker Live 10 years ago updated by Paul David 7 years ago 1
thanks for your efforts with this extension, but there are a few disadvantages which prevent me to use this any longer after having tried it now:

* The vertical tab tree does not replace the horizontal tabs, freeing up those pointlessly occupied horizontal pixels on today's vertically challenged wide screen displays, but just adds another view. Getting rid of the horizontal tabs should be a main feature of your add on. This is the main reason for wanting to use vertical tabs on a browser, and so far it only works in Firefox with the treestyle tab extension.

* Sidewise should not be a separate dock/window, but should be integrated into the browser window, equal to how Firefox' TreeStyle Tab addon works.

* Being a Linux user, i noted that the sidewise monitor detection overrides the window manager imposed window resize restrictions, covering the WindowMaker dock. This is usually respected by Chrome/Chromium/Iron, but Sidewise unfortunately disables that.

This is why i finally removed your extension, as it doesn't cover my actual needs.

Best regards,

horizontal gap between tabs tree levels

Alexander B 12 years ago updated by Joel Thornton 12 years ago 0

It would be really nice if that horizontal shift of subsequent tab level in a tree could be configurable. Like from 0 pixels to current value. What do you think?

Joel Thornton 12 years ago

I like the idea. I do want to avoid "options overload" though, so I may need to think about rearranging or subcategorizing the options a bit more before I add this. That being said I suspect many people would like to tweak this.


hide the tab bar

Sum Guy 12 years ago updated by Joel Thornton 12 years ago 0

I guess you would have done this already if it was possible, but it would be great if you could hide the top tab bar! It doesn't serve any purpose anymore, with Sidewise. Fantastic extension by the way, very impressive!

Joel Thornton 12 years ago

You are correct, Chrome gives us no way to control the visibility of the tab bar. I doubt they will ever change this, but your best bet would be to submit a request to let users manually toggle the tab-bar visibility on Post back here if you make a request for that, I for one will go and vote for it :)


Praise for innovative features above Firefox's Tree Style Tab

onguarde 12 years ago updated by Joel Thornton 12 years ago 0

I really like many of the useful added features. There is a lack of useless bloated features that frequently plauge other developments.

1) "Put tab in new folder" feature. Simply brilliant! Even the implementation is very neat. You easily pack multiple tabs into one group. No dragging into position nothing. Very useful to quickly organise the tree. Especially with multiple selection.

2) "Hibernate tab". Quick reduction of memory usage.

3) "Highlight" tab feature. Neat way to make it stand out.

Joel Thornton 12 years ago

-- Marking this as COMPLETED to get it off the todo list :)

Thanks! Look in the coming weeks and months for more unique features, such as a tree-aware Recently Closed sidebar pane, and a Tree Style Histories sidebar pane that will show a given tab's back/forward history as a tree (no more losing history if you go back and then forward to a different URL).


Handling detection of malware in URLs

Muntoo Meddler 12 years ago updated by Joel Thornton 12 years ago 4

I had a hibernated tab with the URL:!-Landscape-painting-color-theory-and-digital-painting-techniques

It had been sitting around for a few weeks before Chrome suddenly decided that there was malware on No big deal. But then it decided to nuke Sidewise. The extension options/etc still worked -- it was only the sidebar that got the "MALWARE" warning.

Is there any way to prevent this from happening or to give the user a little hint on what they should do?

Joel Thornton 12 years ago

Oh that's bad. Good find :D The cause turns out to be the favicons shown in the sidebar -- if one of them is from a "malware site", we get the malware warning page in the sidebar too.

I've created a kludgy-but-functional mechanism to detect and correct this problem and it should be in the next release. 

The solution isn't pretty but it works. Basically, when Sidewise notices that the malware page is showing in the sidebar, it will ask the user if they want to fix the problem.

Sidewise then loads all the tree's favicons into a new "testing" tab. If that tab comes up with the malware-page, then we know that one of those favicons is causing the problem. Now we split the list of favicons in half and test each half separately in the same way, to figure out which half contains the bad favicon. We continue this process by repeatedly subdividing the "contains the malware favicon" list in half, then again testing each half ... until through the process of elimination we narrow the list down to a single favicon that causes the malware warning.

At that point, we have identified the offending favicon, and replace it in the tree with the default Chrome favicon. Fixed!


Tab order change one more time...

Elmar Otto 9 years ago updated by Joe 9 years ago 1
In other words: Whenever I open a couple of new tabs after a few seconds they jump to another position in the prespecified or originally given order of chrome - one after the other from left to right... -, with the result that you never ever find them again or at least really have to search for...

This is really not tolerable!!!! It leads to confusion and despair...

Branch closing confirmation dialog is off screen

Alex Kevarsky 11 years ago 0
Whenever I try to close a branch by clicking on (x) on the parent, the confirmation dialog that pops up appears to be partially off screen. The buttons themselves are not shown. The only way to get our of this is to close the Sidewise window from the taskbar.
P.S. Thank you for a great extension. I don't like Chrome but switched to it from FF due to this extension.