This is the official user feedback forum for Sidewise, the Google Chrome extension that brings a dockable sidebar and Tree Style Tabs to Chrome.

more minimalistic tab-bar

Florian Schicker fa 12 anys updated by Muntoo Meddler fa 12 anys 1

it would be great if there would be a setting to make the tabbar more minimalistic. search, notepad, animations, settings, pages, maximize. minimize, close buttons. all them have no option to hide them. i think most of the users never use this after configuring everthing.

greets and thanks!



Auto-Suspend tab after X hours non-use (The Great Suspender functionality)

Ingo Dean fa 10 anys 0
Would love to see functionality equivalent to The Great Suspender chrome plugin where you can configure it to suspend a tab after X hours if it's not been used.

Hi thanks for your work on this extension. After I installed the extension, the side bar window opened witht the tabs in it. However the tabs still appear in the chrome window across the top like before installijg the extension.I cannot see how to hide

jerry Strickland fa 11 anys updated by Joel Thornton fa 11 anys 0

Hi, thanks for your work on this extension.  After installing the extension, the side bar window with the tabs in it appeared as it should.

However the tabs still appear in the big chrome window as they were efore installation.

How do you hide the tabs across the top.

Joel Thornton fa 11 anys

Unfortunately, Chrome provides no way for extensions to hide Chrome's own tab bar.

I have been investigating ways to "hack around" this issue by e.g. using an external script to modify Chrome's window-contents, but so far I haven't found a solution that really works.


Tab Favicon update

dsl101 fa 12 anys updated by Joel Thornton fa 12 anys 3

Can you tell me how often the favicon in the sidebar should update? It's mainly a problem with Gmail, as I have a feature enabled which puts the number of unread messages in the favicon, and it regularly gets out of step between the main Chrome tab and the sidebar. Since moving from FF, I'm so used to looking in the sidebar to quickly check for mail, and I end up switching back to gmail only to find there's nothing there.

I guess there may be a performance implication - perhaps it could be made configurable? Or even better if there's a way to register for favicon change events...



Joel Thornton fa 12 anys

Now implemented in 2012.10.18.1 release. Verified this works as expected in Gmail with the "Unread icon count" labs feature enabled.

Under review

Dragging tabs to bookmarks bar

dsl101 fa 12 anys updated by Joel Thornton fa 12 anys 0

Before moving to Sidewise, I was constantly caught by dragging tabs to the bookmarks bar and being surprised to find a new window opening.

No I'm trying to do the same from Sidewise! Any chance that can be made to work? I.e. drag a row from Sidewise and drop it on the bookmarks bar in the main Chrome window, as if the icon from the omnibox had been dropped there?

Joel Thornton fa 12 anys

That's a cool idea, I'll look into it.


I love this extension.

Noah Shenk fa 11 anys updated by Joel Thornton fa 11 anys 0

BUT Unfortunately I'll be sticking with FF until Google releases that sidebar API and lets us hide the tabs up top. As soon as they do though... I'm here.

Joel Thornton fa 11 anys

Haha, thanks and I totally understand. You would probably be amazed at the amount of work that had to be done just to make Sidewise simulate a "real" sidebar. That being said, I agree it leaves a lot to be desired, and long-term I'll be looking at ways of addressing these issues (e.g. by getting the desired features added to Chrome).

Under review

Ignore Google Hangouts windows

Carlos Umanzor fa 11 anys updated by Joel Thornton fa 11 anys 0

Would it be possible to ignore windows created by Google Hangouts? See pic for an example.Image 38


Position of Newly Opened Tabs - Chrome Ordering

onguarde fa 12 anys updated by Joel Thornton fa 12 anys 4

The default chrome ordering is very well thought of.

Basically, successive links open.

Parent Tab >   (1) 



If you navigate to the child tabs, and then navigate BACK to the parent tab. 

And open some more links, 

Parent Tab >  (1) 





This is totally expected.

However, if you navigate OUTSIDE of the child tabs listed above, and then navigate BACK to the parent tab, 

and open some more links, we get,

Parent Tab >  (7)







This is VERY useful IMHO. It allows you to quickly switch to the recent links you opened quickly without traversing all the old child tabs.

Why isn't the ordering simply set to open ALL new links to the right of the parent tab? 

Parent Tab > (5)





This would greatly simplify the code, wouldn't it?

However, this is not ideal because child tab (5), hasn't finished loading yet. 

So you can't switch to it and start working immediately. 

The current implementation in sidewise implements opening links as the last child of the parent tab. This is great but the default chrome ordering is better. Its rather difficult to get this configuration in firefox too but its possible  when combining multiple extensions. 

Joel Thornton fa 12 anys

I'm currently working on making the tab order in the tree match Chrome's tab ordering, and keeping the two in sync at all times. I believe this will bring the behavior you want.


Sidewise will now do its best to mimic the tab-ordering that Chrome uses, as you describe. This will appear in the next release, due out by end of month.

Under review

Would like a way to turn off Chrome's main window tabs and only show them in Sidewise.

A Parman fa 11 anys updated by Joel Thornton fa 11 anys 0

Title says it all.  We don't need Chrome's tabs when we have SIdewise.

Joel Thornton fa 11 anys

Unfortunately Chrome gives no mechanism for an extension developer to hide the native Chrome tabs.

I've been thinking about this problem for a long time, and the best idea I've had so far is to periodically release a customized build of Chrome/Chromium that adds this functionality as a user-controlled toggle.

This would be quite an undertaking, so I would currently put it on the "nice to have, but no current plan to implement" list.

Another potential strategy is to run the main Chrome window in fullscreen (F11) mode and then position the Sidewise window overtop that. This comes with its own set of complications, however (not the least of which is it would only work if you run Chrome maximized normally).


Hibernate of windows/tabs not in sync.

Michael Cox fa 12 anys updated by Joel Thornton fa 12 anys 0

First of all, thanks for Sidewise!  You're doing great creating the features I want.  Suggest looking at Firefox's plugin, Treestyle Tabs, which was my previous tab manager.  Also, (I know this is vague, but, heh, I'm a user) the ideal tab manager would meld the bookmarks manager with a a tabs manager seamlessly.  Now to the possible bug.

It appears that the hibernate feature (which I love!  It's like the tab/bookmark manager combination I mentioned above) doesn't keep hibernated windows and tabs in sync.  I often activate a tab or folder of tabs in a totally hibernated window (this is like the bookmark side of the tab/bookmark manager combo).  These tabs come up in the current window.  If later I try to activate the hibernated window, it only brings up the window with a single tab in it.

I like the feature of being able to bring up a hibernated tab/folder in a hibernated window, but give me the option to display the activated tab(s) in the current window, activate the containing window of the activated tabs (leaving the hibernated tabs of the window hibernated), or maybe a new window.  I'm not familiar with the Chrome browser APIs, so I don't know if this is possible.

Joel Thornton fa 12 anys

Good idea. Planning to make this into an option much as you describe. Thanks for the suggestion!