Chrome starts to flicker when switching on the pages pane in Sidwise

Tabs Jumping around in position in Chrome
For some reason my tabs positions jump around while I'm using them in Chrome. I'd like to request they stay in the position they were opened or dragged to. Thanks!

With the latest release I have fixed the most common cause (that I am aware of) of unwanted tab reordering/jumping. I'm pretty sure there are still at least a couple other (rarer) causes of this, so I'm still looking for those, as well as formulating a plan for how to prevent this problem completely going forward.
If my new plan works, then Sidewise should become immune to tab-jumping issues regardless of other bugs in Sidewise (or changes in Chrome) that can currently cause the problem.
For example, one general issue is that if Sidewise somehow fails to add a newly created tab to the tree (e.g. Chrome doesn't notify us about it), that can currently induce tab-jumping problems because Sidewise's tab order is out of sync with Chrome's tab order. My plan will prevent circumstances like this (which are essentially unavoidable as Google evolves the Chrome Extension API) from leading to the tab-jumping behavior.
I really want to get this problem fixed but it is a difficult one to reproduce. So far I almost never see it occur here, and can't reproduce it reliably.
I'm going to try some new methods of "forcibly" causing Sidewise to do this bad tab-jumping behavior this week to see if I can trace down the exact cause and/or appropriate solution.

Youtube won't play after jumping forward
When it happens, the video won't play any part, not even if I jump back to the beginning. Reloading the page makes it play normally, though. Until I try skipping forward again.
It seems to not happen to all videos, but the ones I've tested have apparently all been html5, so it's not caused by the video being either flash or html5.

My browser disabled Sidewise because "This extension violates the Web Store policy."
I can switch it back on, but does anybody know how Sidewise actually violates the policy? Or is this an error?
Browser is Brave v 1.28.106.

Open the Code!
Hey - It would be great for this to be an open source project!
I imagine it would make it much easier to support the wide varity of platforms chrome runs on if people using (KDE for example) can tweak the code.

Definitely will be doing once I get a bit more of the core functionality I want in place and stabilized, and tidy up the code a bit -- still got a lot of //TODOs floating around ;)
Without making any guarantees I am projecting to open the code in 3-6 months.

Features from Tree Styled Tabs Firefox
This is the plugin I waited for years to switch from Firefox, but it still needs a few things for better user experience and usability.
What I am missing from firefox version (and more)
- Mouse Wheel to scroll through tabs
- Better styling of tabs
- Closing parent tab promotes first child as parent
- Another option to view all bookmarks the same way
- Auto-collapse unfocused tree

Mouse wheel tab switching: planned.
Auto promote first child: planned.
Bookmarks sidebar pane: planned.
Better styling of tabs: can you explain?
Auto-collapse unfocused tree: can you explain?

Notebook divided into separate notes
I love chrome, but the only thing that blocks me to change browser from Opera is the lack of notes. Your addon is brilliant, amazing, gorgeous, great! :) Now I can dock the notebook, such as in Opera. The only thing that is missing for me is split notepad into individual notes. A good solution is in Opera - the upper half of the window contains the individual notes and the lower half displays the contents. Like this: http://imageshack.us/a/img197/710/z9lh.jpg

PLEASE release the source!

Strange behavior on latest Chromium (79.0.3945.79).
Tabs don't wake up in place but create duplicates.

Hide Sidewise in Windows Taskbar
would be a great option to hide the sidewise task in the taskbar of window cause its not needed to click on it

I am working on a simple Windows-only .exe (written in AutoHotKey) which is able to hide Sidewise's tray icon as well as fix the alt-tab problem.
The script isn't ready for release yet as it currently causes a couple bugs within Sidewise itself, most likely specific to minimizing/restoring the dock window and/or sidebar. It also needs a "automatically launch at startup" function. But the no-taskbar-button and hide-from-alt-tab-order functions otherwise seem to work correctly.
If you want to try the script out in its present state:
- Download and install AutoHotKey
- Save the script file somewhere
- Run the script file to enable the taskbar/alt-tab hiding functionality
- To have it automatically run on startup, create a shortcut to the .ahk script file in your Windows Startup folder (Start -> Programs -> Startup).
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