It is with specific urls, worst thing is that this happens even with google search straight from address bar. I have plenty of them but never had this problem. There is one which I installed lately but I disable it and close chrome clean cache and so on, but it did not change anything. It is GFACE Experience Plugin (it is for Warface game). I was thinking that this problem is more connected with chrome itself. Maybe new update. I have got this problem form few days and 26th of March was new release of stable version of chrome. Btw, same thing happens with Tabs Outliner, I checked it after I saw a bug in SIdewise.
It is with specific urls, worst thing is that this happens even with google search straight from address bar. I have plenty of them but never had this problem. There is one which I installed lately but I disable it and close chrome clean cache and so on, but it did not change anything. It is GFACE Experience Plugin (it is for Warface game). I was thinking that this problem is more connected with chrome itself. Maybe new update. I have got this problem form few days and 26th of March was new release of stable version of chrome. Btw, same thing happens with Tabs Outliner, I checked it after I saw a bug in SIdewise.