First Sidewise is the best thing since sliced bread. Stylistic quibble though for Mac. It's Mac style to be able to click just once to select an item before moving it, e.g. in Finder. Discombobulates first time Mac Sidewise users. :} We do get over it.
Mac style of operation question -- is reducing double clicking for Mac worth it when moving tree elements?

Is this relevant?
(I don't use Mac, so I don't know.)

Yes, that did indeed prove to be relevant, thanks. Solving that matter should solve this question.

To clarify, does this accurately describe the situation on Mac?:
- When the sidebar is not focused, clicking an item in the sidebar only focuses the sidebar; a second click is required to then actually select the item
- When the sidebar is focused, a single click on an item immediately focuses it

If there was an option that automatically focused the sidebar when the mouse hovered it (and probably also w.r.t. the docked-to window), would this alleviate the double click problem also?

Row-wise focus-on-hover and focus-on-scroll options have been implemented in the new 2012.10.18.1 release.
I am also keeping the "focus the sidebar when mouse moves over it" idea on my todo list for the time being; I made a brief attempt to implement this a little while ago and ran into some complications that I'll need to think through carefully before proceeding.
Hopefully either of the other two new focus options will ease the pain for Mac users somewhat, for now.
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Row-wise focus-on-hover and focus-on-scroll options have been implemented in the new 2012.10.18.1 release.
I am also keeping the "focus the sidebar when mouse moves over it" idea on my todo list for the time being; I made a brief attempt to implement this a little while ago and ran into some complications that I'll need to think through carefully before proceeding.
Hopefully either of the other two new focus options will ease the pain for Mac users somewhat, for now.