Still not quite there...
Just updated to the latest version - seems the clearing out unused tabs is even more efficient than it needs to be. I now have 5 tabs open (2 pinned, 3 normal), and sidewise is only showing 2 in total :(
To be honest, that and the fact that the tab order in sidewise doesn't stay in sync with (or perhaps, as it should, control) chrome's tab order, coupled with the fact you can't hide the main chrome tabs makes it just too visually confusing for me. I find I'm constantly cross checking between sidewise and chrome, trying to work out what's where.
I think I'll have to wait until chrome provides a proper sidebar interface again, and allow the tabs to be moved rather than duplicated. Much as I like chrome, I really really don't like apps which refuse to allow even the option of following the OS UI, and I'm afraid sidewise is just adding more clutter to an already bad design. I use Actual Window Manager to enhance the functionality of the system menu and title bar buttons, and that fights like mad with Chrome too...

Sorry to hear the new version isn't working well for you. Unfortunately I haven't encountered the missing-tab problem you describe so I'm at a bit of a loss to help as of yet. One thing that may help is to just reload the extension -- I have a suspicion that that will restore those missing tabs to the tree and it should behave properly after that (hopefully).
As you say, Sidewise should control Chrome's tab order: that is the main new feature of the new version. Unfortunately it sounds like it isn't working right for you, but the intention was that the tab order should stay perfectly in sync between Chrome's tab bar horizontally and Sidewise's tree vertically. Currently Sidewise is set up to respect Chrome's tab ordering initially, and then if you move stuff around in the tree, reorder Chrome's tabbar accordingly (and vice versa).
I'll try to reproduce your situation of 2 pinned, 3 regular tabs today and see if I can somehow mimic the "missing tabs" issue you're having. My suspicion is if that wasn't happening, you would then be seeing the correct tab order synchronization that went into this new version.
I too wish there was some way to just hide Chrome's own tab bar altogether :)

Sorry to hear the new version isn't working well for you. Unfortunately I haven't encountered the missing-tab problem you describe so I'm at a bit of a loss to help as of yet. One thing that may help is to just reload the extension -- I have a suspicion that that will restore those missing tabs to the tree and it should behave properly after that (hopefully).
As you say, Sidewise should control Chrome's tab order: that is the main new feature of the new version. Unfortunately it sounds like it isn't working right for you, but the intention was that the tab order should stay perfectly in sync between Chrome's tab bar horizontally and Sidewise's tree vertically. Currently Sidewise is set up to respect Chrome's tab ordering initially, and then if you move stuff around in the tree, reorder Chrome's tabbar accordingly (and vice versa).
I'll try to reproduce your situation of 2 pinned, 3 regular tabs today and see if I can somehow mimic the "missing tabs" issue you're having. My suspicion is if that wasn't happening, you would then be seeing the correct tab order synchronization that went into this new version.
I too wish there was some way to just hide Chrome's own tab bar altogether :)
If you have any more information about what steps you took that resulted in the missing tab issue or suspicions please let me know. That is a show-stopper bug and though I can't seem to reproduce it here I'm very concerned about others running into it!

I have identified a couple spots in the code that I think could be causing the missing-tab problem and am currently testing a fix for these. If my solution is correct, it will no longer be possible to "ever" wind up with missing tabs in the tree.

My solution should also make Sidewise's startup process (associating open tabs to existing/saved tabs in the tree) much faster in general, which should improve the overall probability of Sidewise placing tabs in the tree accurately on the basis of their tab order (as seen in the Chrome tab bar).

Well, on upgrading and re-enabling, I was greeted with 94 hibernated pages, and yet another 'Window (0 pages)' row, so I wasn't that hopeful. But I guess it could have been in a bit of a state having been disabled, re-enabled, etc. So I unchecked 'Remember open tabs between browser session' (I already have 'Continue where I left off' disabled), restarted again, and cleared out some guff. And I must say things are looking much better now - moving pinned tabs around mirrors perfectly in the sidewise list. But moving normal tabs doesn't seem to do the same thing. Also, on the sidewise list, I can move regular tabs between pinned tabs, which isn't allowed in the Chrome UI, so then the sync of tab order is lost...
Also, try opening a new blank tab from the Chrome tabbar then immediately closing it - on my setup, they stay in Sidewise but don't do anything when you click on them. The only time this doesn't happen is if you change tabs between opening and closing them via sidewise. Changing tabs via the Chrome tab bar still leaves them hanging around.
So, a definite improvement - but I can see myself ending up using both sidewise and Chrome tabs depending on where I'm looking / where the mouse is, and unless they are perfectly in sync, I'm always going to be suspicious of the sidewise tabs I'm afraid.
Of course I'm happy to keep testing, and I do really hope you're successful in the long run. In fact, one minor benefit of leaving Sidewise active has been preventing Chrome putting it's tabs smack against the top of the monitor when maximised - I'm still hunting for a way to give it a properly sized titlebar so that Rocket Dock and other enhancements I use will work properly with the brain-dead design they've insisted on

Thanks for the feedback. I see what you mean about moving regular tabs between pinned tabs - will look into this.
I don't know what the heck is going on with your normal tabs not being order-synced as expected -- I've tried to make this fail on my box in many different ways and it is always staying in sync here. I also can't seem to reproduce the "new tab -> quickly close" problem you mention.
If you don't have any pinned tabs open, does moving regular tabs around on the tabbar or in the tree do proper order sync for you?
Would you be willing to post some debug logs when you do the newtab->close thing? To do this, turn on the debugging option in Sidewise's options page, then on Chrome's extensions page turn on the Developer mode checkbox, find Sidewise in the list, click on background.html below it, switch to the Console tab, press the clear button at the bottom of that window, and finally perform the newtab->close operation, then copy everything that appears in the console and paste it in here.
Also, what version of Chrome are you using? Version 22.0.1229.94 m on WIndows 7 x64 here.
Thank you for your willingness to keep testing this stuff with me. These things are tough to diagnose when everything is working perfectly here and on other computers I have access to and I really appreciate your assistance.

I tried unpinning the tabs, and normal tabs started moving around as expected - although I haven't tested this thoroughly, as I decided to restart Chrome and check whether the problem was to do with pinned tabs at startup. However, I was greeted with the following Sidewise tree, where the Chrome window had only 2 pinned tabs. Still something no quite right I think :)

Good gravy. Sidewise what you doing!!!
I'll do some thorough testing of various situations with pinned tabs in the next round of development. My guess is they are at the root of these problems you're seeing.

Just to add insult to injury, I collapsed the top 'Window (14 pages)' row, and got this:
Not sure what the Google Calendar tab thinks it belongs to...

It is probably telling that it's a pinned tab that wound up like that.
Will research during next week's sprint, thanks for hanging in there.

I've disabled 'Remember open tabs between browser sessions', and things behave much more as expected - might be another area to look at? Normal / pinned tabs both move as expected now - with the caveat of being able to get them out of sync by moving normal tabs between pinned tabs on sidewise...

Cool, thanks for the info. I think I probably just need to overhaul the whole pinned-tabs situation, which behave in a decidedly unique way vs regular tabs.

Just released an update which I hope will fix the missing-tabs problem you reported. Hope you'll check it out!
Sorry to hear the new version isn't working well for you. Unfortunately I haven't encountered the missing-tab problem you describe so I'm at a bit of a loss to help as of yet. One thing that may help is to just reload the extension -- I have a suspicion that that will restore those missing tabs to the tree and it should behave properly after that (hopefully).
As you say, Sidewise should control Chrome's tab order: that is the main new feature of the new version. Unfortunately it sounds like it isn't working right for you, but the intention was that the tab order should stay perfectly in sync between Chrome's tab bar horizontally and Sidewise's tree vertically. Currently Sidewise is set up to respect Chrome's tab ordering initially, and then if you move stuff around in the tree, reorder Chrome's tabbar accordingly (and vice versa).
I'll try to reproduce your situation of 2 pinned, 3 regular tabs today and see if I can somehow mimic the "missing tabs" issue you're having. My suspicion is if that wasn't happening, you would then be seeing the correct tab order synchronization that went into this new version.
I too wish there was some way to just hide Chrome's own tab bar altogether :)
If you have any more information about what steps you took that resulted in the missing tab issue or suspicions please let me know. That is a show-stopper bug and though I can't seem to reproduce it here I'm very concerned about others running into it!

Multiple improvements to pinned-tab handling and general tab-ordering logic have been made for the next release. Still got a few known problem cases to diagnose and fix.

New version just released (2012.11.23.0) which addresses all known cases of the tab-ordering problems discussed here, including interactions with pinned tabs. Please let me know if you are still seeing any problems of this type!
Just released an update which I hope will fix the missing-tabs problem you reported. Hope you'll check it out!
Sorry to hear the new version isn't working well for you. Unfortunately I haven't encountered the missing-tab problem you describe so I'm at a bit of a loss to help as of yet. One thing that may help is to just reload the extension -- I have a suspicion that that will restore those missing tabs to the tree and it should behave properly after that (hopefully).
As you say, Sidewise should control Chrome's tab order: that is the main new feature of the new version. Unfortunately it sounds like it isn't working right for you, but the intention was that the tab order should stay perfectly in sync between Chrome's tab bar horizontally and Sidewise's tree vertically. Currently Sidewise is set up to respect Chrome's tab ordering initially, and then if you move stuff around in the tree, reorder Chrome's tabbar accordingly (and vice versa).
I'll try to reproduce your situation of 2 pinned, 3 regular tabs today and see if I can somehow mimic the "missing tabs" issue you're having. My suspicion is if that wasn't happening, you would then be seeing the correct tab order synchronization that went into this new version.
I too wish there was some way to just hide Chrome's own tab bar altogether :)
If you have any more information about what steps you took that resulted in the missing tab issue or suspicions please let me know. That is a show-stopper bug and though I can't seem to reproduce it here I'm very concerned about others running into it!
Customer support service by UserEcho
New version just released (2012.11.23.0) which addresses all known cases of the tab-ordering problems discussed here, including interactions with pinned tabs. Please let me know if you are still seeing any problems of this type!
Just released an update which I hope will fix the missing-tabs problem you reported. Hope you'll check it out!
Sorry to hear the new version isn't working well for you. Unfortunately I haven't encountered the missing-tab problem you describe so I'm at a bit of a loss to help as of yet. One thing that may help is to just reload the extension -- I have a suspicion that that will restore those missing tabs to the tree and it should behave properly after that (hopefully).
As you say, Sidewise should control Chrome's tab order: that is the main new feature of the new version. Unfortunately it sounds like it isn't working right for you, but the intention was that the tab order should stay perfectly in sync between Chrome's tab bar horizontally and Sidewise's tree vertically. Currently Sidewise is set up to respect Chrome's tab ordering initially, and then if you move stuff around in the tree, reorder Chrome's tabbar accordingly (and vice versa).
I'll try to reproduce your situation of 2 pinned, 3 regular tabs today and see if I can somehow mimic the "missing tabs" issue you're having. My suspicion is if that wasn't happening, you would then be seeing the correct tab order synchronization that went into this new version.
I too wish there was some way to just hide Chrome's own tab bar altogether :)
If you have any more information about what steps you took that resulted in the missing tab issue or suspicions please let me know. That is a show-stopper bug and though I can't seem to reproduce it here I'm very concerned about others running into it!