Enable Search to search content of pages instead of just titles & URLs
Awesome plugin! Would love to have "search titles and URLs" become "search titles, URLs, and content in pages"

Also, changing it to a regex search (for non-URLs) and the ability to filter only open tabs would be nice. <code>.*</code> (+open tabs, +titles_only) could even temporarily serve as one of those sidebar flatteners I requested earlier.
Note the that 'search within pages' option will probably only work for open tabs; otherwise, it will be way too slow for 100+ hibernated tabs.

Good ideas. I think I'll just stick a couple checkboxes below the search box that appear when something is entered in the search box:
[x] Open pages only [x] Search within pagesFor regex searches, I think I'll just make it so that if you enter a search query of /(foo|bar)/ it will recognize it as a regex expression. I'll have to think about how to expose this functionality - probably in the "nerd mode tree filtering" option hint, and in the docs/videos once I get around to making some :D
Regarding "search within pages" with respect to hibernated tabs - I probably just won't support this at all because it would require storing the page content of hibernated tabs in the extension's storage and that could get quite large. Searching only open tabs I can just query each tab for its current text content at the time the search is performed.

Just found this plugin: http://www.makeuseof.com/dir/fullsearch-search-open-tabs/ - no idea about API or source code

Implementing the full text search should be pretty straightforward -- Chrome lets an extension run custom Javascript on-demand on any/all tabs, so I should be able to just do the searching that way, then pass back the matches to the extension.
I think it might be nice to also show a 1 or 2 line snippet of the text that matched below the matched-row entry in the results list. Still considering this.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Awesome idea. Adding to the todo list.