Under review

Tabs losing sync after google search from omnibox

dsl101 12 years ago updated by Joel Thornton 11 years ago 2

I think I've finally pinned down at least one cause of tabs losing sync between SW and Chrome - at least it seems reproducible for me now.

Simply open a new tab, then do a google search directly in the omnibar - make sure it's a true search and doesn't autocomplete a URL. When the search page results are displayed, the SW tab shows 'XYZ - Google Search'. Then click on the top link - for me at least the SW tab stays as 'XYZ - Google Search' and from now on, the link is lost - no amount of refreshing will bring it back. On restarting SW via the extensions tab, I see the 'XYZ - Google Search' as a hibernated tab, and the live page as a new tab, fully functioning again.

Hope you're able to reproduce it :)


Under review

This should be fixed in today's release. Can you verify?

Actually, I think it might be redirects in general - I've just had exactly the same thing happen on a website I'm working on (it's a Wordpress site), with a redirect on login page. The SW tab title stayed as 'Login', whereas the Chrome tab has redirected to the page on the site I was after.

Looks like it might be some conflict with how chrome processes redirects?

Under review

This should be fixed in today's release. Can you verify?

Looks good so far - thanks!