Chrome starts to flicker when switching on the pages pane in Sidwise
Hi, i love your extension. But since maybe 3 days chrome starts sometime to flicker. It seems like it is because losing focus on chrome and the focus is switching forth and back between chrome and Sidewise. This also effects other programs, too. I can stop it temporarily buy minimizing chrome. To stop it completely if have to turn off and on sidewise or restart chrome. I can't reproduce the bug every time, but when it happenend I can start it again by clicking on the pages icon in sidewise.
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It also happens to me. Same problem NeoDevlin described...
I seems to happen randomly...for example:
- I click on a link on excel and opens chrome
- when I come back from another application (for example excel)...
- When I change from tab to tab in sideways.
Workaround: by clicking in any place on the web (chrome) it returns to stillness.Thanks in advance!
BTW, this thread should be in 'BUG' section I think
I thought I had tested before... but now it works for me.
Settings -> uncheck "Keep sidebar visible next to dock window"
worked for me.
3 years later and people still use this? I forgot this even existed :)
Yes, because Mozilla has destroyed plugin compatibility for the gold standard in tree browsing - treestyle tabs. I believe also that Chrome'a API is broken enough that Sidewise cannot provide similar functionality. The combo of Treestyle tabs and Tab mix plus on Firefox 56 was the peak of productivity and we've gone backwards a long way.
If you know of a better tree style tabs utility for Chrome, I'm all ears.
When mine starts to flicker I found that if I click in the main browser window it will stop. It can't be any where in the main window, but has to be a blank area of the website the main window is showing. That stops it for me every time. Depending on the webpage, sometimes its hard to find an empty area that if clicked will not take you somewhere.
I found if I click on the Sidewise tab and then the Main browser it stops right away!
I gave up on this add-on.
I switched to "Tabs Outliner" and so far like it better now. Wish it would dock to the main window, but still better than this app.
The first post here is 6 years old.
Problem still not solved, is anyone maintaining Sidewise or is it completely dead?
On Chromebooks, if sidewise is on another desk, it switches desk back and forth, which does not help. Please make sidewise work with multiple desks.