This is the official user feedback forum for Sidewise, the Google Chrome extension that brings a dockable sidebar and Tree Style Tabs to Chrome.

Latest updates 480


No Longer in Chrome Store - Bring it Back

Hook fa 3 anys 0

Copying and Pasting URLs from Sidewise into Excel

elefantgamer fa 3 anys 0

Popular topics 480


Chrome starts to flicker when switching on the pages pane in Sidwise

NeoDevlin fa 11 anys updated by Aiden fa 5 anys 22

Tabs Jumping around in position in Chrome

Brian T fa 12 anys updated by Hansen W fa 5 anys 34

Youtube won't play after jumping forward

Ultra Woodman fa 10 anys updated by Rafael Nunes fa 4 anys 8

Currently in progress 14


Tabs Jumping around in position in Chrome

Brian T fa 12 anys updated by Hansen W fa 5 anys 34

Hide Sidewise in Windows Taskbar

Florian Schicker fa 12 anys updated by Joel Thornton fa 12 anys 7

Lost all hibernated tabs and folders. Exported backup data not restoring any of them.

G. Strout fa 11 anys updated by god fa 6 anys 24