
Youtube won't play after jumping forward

Ultra Woodman 10 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Rafael Nunes 4 jaar geleden 8
When I jump forward in a youtube video, it just freezes and no matter how many times I press the play/pause button (or just the video area) it doesn't start playing. It usually shows the correct screenshot for whichever part I jump to, and it indicates that it's playing (it shows a pause button in the lower left corner instead of a play button).
When it happens, the video won't play any part, not even if I jump back to the beginning. Reloading the page makes it play normally, though. Until I try skipping forward again.
It seems to not happen to all videos, but the ones I've tested have apparently all been html5, so it's not caused by the video being either flash or html5.
I figured that if I make the video full screen or take it out of full screen, if it already is so, it starts playing again. It's a work around, but it's still annoying.
I should also add that it sometimes shows a blank, black screen while still playing the sound of the video, instead of not playing the video at all.

Dude, your suggestion saved my day! Thank you very much!

Came here to complain about this exact issue.
Took me a while to isolate Sidewise as the cause of the problem but it's definitely it.
Going fullscreen is a temporary workaround but the loading graphic remains...
Same. I was really surprised when i found that Sidewise is the culprit. Right now this issue is only reason why I am using firefox instead of chrome.
There is another workaround - you can jump for already buffered parts of the video without any problems.
I've also isolated it to Sidewise.

Clear your browser's cache, cookies and histories. Or update browser to solve it.

Or you can try this method if it don't work: 



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